Friday, February 6, 2015

Career and Technical Education Month is February.  In honor of this, we will post a blog about something Opelika High School is doing in one of the six Career Tech Programs offered.

Part 1 of 4: Opelika Middle School Career Tech Expo
Part 2 of 4: Fantasy Football Marketing
Part 3 of 4: Health Sciences
Part 4 of 4: Early Childhood Education

It seems a little crazy to be thinking about the 2015-2016 school year in January, but students will be registering for classes in the upcoming weeks.  That means that every 8th grade student and parent of an 8th grade student is about to go through the transition from middle schooler to high schooler.  This move can sometimes be a little confusing, intimidating, and nerve wracking for both students and parents.  This is why Opelika City Schools offers a variety of opportunities for parents and students to make that transition a little bit easier.  For instance, on February 10 the OMS PAC Meeting will be focused on registration for 8th grade parents.  Staff from Opelika High School will be present to help fill out the documents needed to ensure upcoming 9th graders have the classes they need and want.  Parents will also have the option to sign up for an individual meeting with their child’s Guidance Counselor  to help ensure each schedule is correct.  For those that can’t make the February 10 meeting there will be similar meetings held on February 18 at the Opelika Learning Center on Jeter Avenue and February 19 at Carver Primary School on Carver Avenue.  Prior to the start of the 2015-2016 school year, all upcoming Freshman and parents can attend the “Freshman Orientation” held at Opelika High School.  This experience will provide parents and students a chance to get to know some of their teachers, see where their classes will be located, and gather information about life at the high school. 
One of the first things that happens to prepare 8th grade students for classes at Opelika High School happened on January 26 and 27.  We call it the OMS Career and Technical Education Expo.  We use this event to help all 8th graders experience some of the elective courses they can take as Freshmen.  Teachers from Opelika High School select student leaders from their class to come to Opelika Middle School and make a short hands-on presentation to small groups of 8th graders as well as answer any of their questions.  It is a great opportunity for OMS students to see the many options available to them as they begin their high school experience.  It is also a great opportunity for Opelika High School students to practice the leadership skills they have been learning about in all of their Career Tech classes.  OMS students leave with a better understanding of what courses they are interested in as well as what those courses involve.  It always amazes me that there are some students who do not know that they will be expected to put their hands in dirt if they take a Horticulture class.  Our main goal with this event is to help students get interested and excited about coming to Opelika High School in hopes that they will take the classes that interest them the most.

The video below is a 4 minute summary of what all 8th grade students experienced at the OMS CTE Expo.

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